Tuesday, August 14, 2007

the rain is coming

Hello Everyone,My religious sister shared with me that God teststhose who live in Israel in a harder, more intense anddirect kind of way. I believe her. I really reallybelieve her. AS you are all my friends and surely morewise than I know that tests make you grow in ways thatyou did not know where you could or would end up. Weare tested here in Israel on a minute by minute basis.I believe that it is all absolutely for the good. Ibelieve (and really hope) that out of hardship createsa deeper joy. Kind of like a fight with your loverand then the make up can be so sweet and growing. Thejoy created is on a deeper spiritual level.A friend came to visit from Boulder last night. He hadthe aura of Boulder still on him. He looked different.He had that kind of open space energy around him. Thatspace between the eyes that was drawn open. What agorgeous easy place to settle in. What a differentlife we had there. I recall questioning myself andothers so many times what could be 'hard' in Israel,what does 'hard' really mean? I know that I haveshared with all of you this pondering. I don't havethe answers and in perspective there is nothing hardabout my life. But growth occurs differently for allof us. My challenges here are good and strong. Itfeels as if the creator has decided that NOW is thetime to make those extra leaps of growth and toaddress those that have been part of my limitations. Idon't know how I will do. It is a process that takestime of course. The sun is here today at 75 degrees but it is supposedto rain for the next 4 days! Then back to 75. What ajoy. Drew and I are growing and struggling. What did youall think? Party town? NOOOOO. I have brought a verygentle soft man to a country full of survivors.Many/most of the men (and women) here are strong andconfident and sure of themselves (also some arechauvinistic a-holes as well). Around these woods...ifyou ain't tough ....someone gonna get you baby! Iimagine that the creator thought that Drew had betterdo some growin here. We will pull through and grow.Ouch ouch ouch. Today we have a parent teacher conference at schoolwith Josh. He is having a real tough time of it. Hehad a hard enough time in States to deal and makefriends. So, now with out language, and moreaggressive children in a totally different culturewith a crazy ass mom, he is struggling. We are goingto help him any way we can. We hope to find him atherapist if that is needed. Therapists around hereare great but the stigma is intense. Sick-o's only.Scary! It is not great from that perspective. GLAD INEVER DID THERAPY!!! haZach is cruising....I am sure hell and damnation fireis just around the corner. Why have a war only onthree fronts when it can be 4? Watch,,,growth is acoming.Back to things that I think I can control butcan't....I had 14 private patients last week! Yahoo baby. Thiscoming week not so many but last week was a good one.Kind of like fishing. I caught a 14 pound-er baby.This week maybe only an 8 pound-er. ha ha ha. This isfun.It is Early in the am. I miss you all. I am living asbig as I possibly can. I love it here. I have met somany amazing different kind of souls. I am stimulatedbeyond belief. I love sharing with you all.Love to you,thank you for your love and support.HugsAdele

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