Tuesday, August 14, 2007

new job and new year

Hello Everyone,Happy Jewish New Year! No, its not a celebration withchampagne and party hats. It is a celebration of thebirth of human beings. This Friday night is the Jewishnew year where we are given the wonderful opportunityto re-New and examine our spirits. We can beintrospective on a level that is as deep as we arecapable or willing to go. What type of people do wereally want to be? What actions do I want to be doing,words that I really want to be coming out of my mouth.Making conscious decisions from a deep place andfulfilling them. Last year when we came back from Zach's bar mitzvahtrip in Israel I made the conscious decision to sharewith everyone that I could that we were planning tomove to Israel. I wanted to lock in as tight aspossible the awareness and expectations (to myself)that we would really stick it through and go for it.If I told a 100 people then I really better go for it.It is with this in mind that I open up to you all andshare that I have a new intention for this year. (Uhoh) OK, so I am making a commitment to myself to stopthe negative self talk. My sister (1 of the 6) said tome: "Adele, you do not need any critics because youare your own worst critic". So, for this year and g-dwilling years to come I will be my own cheerleader andlook at the cup full. We all know that life rushes by so fast. It seems thatthe older you get the faster the time flys. Toactually take the time and opportunity to stop andself evaluate is what I am aiming for. I have lived 44years. (OK, so I am 44 and a 1/2)! I have chosen toreally pick up and throw a big wrench into thegrinding wheel of my old life. How do I really want todo this life? I get another (I pray) 40-50 years to doit all. I want to take this opportunity to tell youall how grateful I am to have you in my life. Each andeveryone has played a significant role in developingmy spirit. I want to ask you all for forgiveness if Ihave directly or indirectly offended you or hurt youin any way. It was never my intention to hurt or harmanyone's feelings or even bodies. (I know several ofyou are saying right now....oh, I would like to gether back, one little dig into that trigger point,tender point.) That is not what I am talking about.You all needed that! It was with LOVE. You know that.OK, now for the job part. I got a job. An awesome jobbut it is only for 8 hours a week. Ha ha. I am to be ain-house PT for a special forces army unit. That's allI can say because you know...me and James B are now ateam. I can't tell you everything or I would have todum da dum dum.OK, so, it is for a whopping $30.00/hour. That is agood amount. I am gonna be singing to the bank. Oh my.Anyhow, It is with such a great unit that I am goingto have a blast. I also have been traveling toJerusalem 1 x week to treat 4-5 patients at mybrother's house. That is also good but the commute is2 hours each way in one day. You can't say I am notpaying my dues.I am really excited about it all. I am grateful tohave some work. I am just getting started and amlearning patience. It will all happen in the righttime. See, I am doing it already. Fast learner.Kids are adjusting.As for our family. Zach is in heaven at school. He haschanged 100% since we got here. Really! he has agirlfriend! Holy mack-in-o-lee. Don't ask. I don'teven want to know. He is learning fast. Enjoying allthe new challenges. He is really rising to thosechallenges as well. He is on a basketball team (thetallest). Tonight I went to an open house for parentsat Zach's school. The first 45 minutes (I left afterthat), was all about how to make the class a tighterknit of friends. Not academics, not drugs, problemkids, etc. Just how to make them happy and all becometighter, closer friends. Parties, outings, team andself development games, etc. It was very amazing to mehow the parents were so focused on how tight the kidswere and that they had friends and were enjoyingschool. Very interesting to me. There are 21 kids inhis class.Josh is working it out. Every gray hair at a time. Heis a true electric spirit full of life and ideas andEMOTIONS. He, too, is really enjoying basketball,skateboarding and cucumbers. He is a lot fun and Ithink also happy. Not entirely sure. Drew is hammering away at the language thing. He alsogot a new job doing a custom wood project for thesynagogue which is new. He feels like he is at homeand continues to be the best friend and angel that Icould have ever dreamed of. We are spending time with new and old friends andfamily. We have all the luxuries we need and more.I went surfing two days ago and stood up (on the foamthat Drew helped me get into). It was a blast and Ican't wait to go again. We went swimming this eveningand it was great. I am still learning from andenjoying the new cultural angles and experiences. WE wish you all a very happy healthy new year. We praythat you find the next year a year of joy and peace.Follow your dreams and take chances that promotegrowth.Love alwaysAdele and Drew and the young-ins.

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