Hello Everyone,
I am not sure how long it has been since my last letter but I figured I am due for another one. Yep, as the title states at times it feels like I am alive in heaven. After the first year things have gotten enormously easier. We are exactly, perfectly in the right place. I truly feel at home. Yes, home is where the heart is so it can be anywhere on earth but here I have found a place that I feel connected to. Now, although I have experienced a war here, I have not been under the pounding of rockets so I reserve my right to freak out and say...I'm outta here!" I truly hope not. I doubt it but you never never know. We have made some wonderful friends, bought a new old car. Get this.....1997 Toyota corolla 4 door for a whopping $8000! It is somewhat of a medium gas guzzler and since gas is around $6.00 a gal, I spend on average $400 month on gas for the car (I think I am low balling it). But I am still happy! the car is solid and since the most dangerous thing to do in Israel is drive on the roads (well, getting lost and going into the territories is more dangerous) I feel better in a bigger car. (Yeah, Toyota corolla - huge man) ha ha.
Work is great. I definitely do not work like I did in the US but now I enjoy some more extra time. The time I always dreamed about for more socializing and basically exercising and working out. Everyone seems to be available for a 'coffee' some time or another. I really enjoy the social atmosphere. It is a very interesting phenomenon. It is like society enjoys and encourages building social networks because we must rely on each other so much here.
Drew is jamming on his Hebrew and is still working at the German Factory. he has tons going on and is very prolific on his blog-spot called http://www.bravenewland.blogspot.com/
You can follow everything he is up to there.
AS FOR THE KIDS..............
Well, ya see.......we sold them..... this Arab sheik was tootling by and I couldn't resist...........
NOT...just joking...........
OK, the scoop with the kids is that there is a country wide strike in the middle and high schools. We are on week three now and there are threats of it lasting 2-3 months. It could end tomorrow, next week or 2 months. So, that ain't so pretty. the kids are in heaven but the parents are frustrated. The teachers here in Israel make the pay that an average McDonald's worker does. The prestige that goes with the job is also on par with fast food workers. It isn't right and we do stand by them. So, my sister, Debbie, whose children are fabulously successful at the schooling stuff (PHd's and the sort) says to me: "Adele, you must get them on a schedule. They should first make the schedule themselves and then you can adjust it." OK. I will try whatever she recommends. She obviously did the right things, right? OK, well. Josh's schedule that he composed goes like this...
9:00-11:00 Breakfast and Free Time.
11:00-12:00 Study (like what I am thinking?)
12:00-1:00 - guess.... LUNCH! of course.
1:00-2:30 yep.....'Free Time'
2:30-4:00 (get this) 'Clean house'. I later learned that it was going to be 'within those hours' that housecleaning could take place.
4:00-6:30 Study
6:00-7:00 Dinner (note the time discrepancy)
7:00-10:30 Free time.
So, that's my Joshie. Life is way good for him here. He has found a friend, Mr. Alon we call him. They are two peas in a pod and we feel so blessed that he was sent to Josh as a friend. His judgment is fair at times being 12 and all (burned a kitchen pan and utensil to smithereens) but we are happy for Josh.
Zach is almost if not 6'2". Ugh at 15. I yell at him about loads of things but I am not sure if he hears me up there! the 15 year old brain is very very interesting. He is a wonderful kid and we are still in the puppy training mode. He doesn't pee in the house but close. Today I was up at 5:30 and the door opened and he was rolling in. I know you all are thinking What??? But that is the life here. NO drugs, some drinking but just teens hanging out on the walking mall (3 blocks long) and talking and hopefully not too much trouble. Israelis are super lax about they kids being up and out late at night. I know I have already gone over that with y'all.
Oh my goodness. I did not tell you that I am coming to the states....This coming week!!! I will be there from Oct 26-Nov 4. I am going to be having a little party Saturday evening Nov 3 early at my sisters house in table mesa, 3260 endicott. Her number is 303-499-5788. Come by and give me a hug! I will love to see you all. I hope to have a cell phone there but don't have anything lined up right now.
It is 82 degrees out now and I am going on a driving day with my mom and Drew to the north of Israel to the Lebanese and Syrian border, sightseeing and stuff.
OK, so that's that. I can fill out all in more with details in 6 days!!!
hugs and blessings from the holy land.
I am not sure how long it has been since my last letter but I figured I am due for another one. Yep, as the title states at times it feels like I am alive in heaven. After the first year things have gotten enormously easier. We are exactly, perfectly in the right place. I truly feel at home. Yes, home is where the heart is so it can be anywhere on earth but here I have found a place that I feel connected to. Now, although I have experienced a war here, I have not been under the pounding of rockets so I reserve my right to freak out and say...I'm outta here!" I truly hope not. I doubt it but you never never know. We have made some wonderful friends, bought a new old car. Get this.....1997 Toyota corolla 4 door for a whopping $8000! It is somewhat of a medium gas guzzler and since gas is around $6.00 a gal, I spend on average $400 month on gas for the car (I think I am low balling it). But I am still happy! the car is solid and since the most dangerous thing to do in Israel is drive on the roads (well, getting lost and going into the territories is more dangerous) I feel better in a bigger car. (Yeah, Toyota corolla - huge man) ha ha.
Work is great. I definitely do not work like I did in the US but now I enjoy some more extra time. The time I always dreamed about for more socializing and basically exercising and working out. Everyone seems to be available for a 'coffee' some time or another. I really enjoy the social atmosphere. It is a very interesting phenomenon. It is like society enjoys and encourages building social networks because we must rely on each other so much here.
Drew is jamming on his Hebrew and is still working at the German Factory. he has tons going on and is very prolific on his blog-spot called http://www.bravenewland.blogspot.com/
You can follow everything he is up to there.
AS FOR THE KIDS..............
Well, ya see.......we sold them..... this Arab sheik was tootling by and I couldn't resist...........
NOT...just joking...........
OK, the scoop with the kids is that there is a country wide strike in the middle and high schools. We are on week three now and there are threats of it lasting 2-3 months. It could end tomorrow, next week or 2 months. So, that ain't so pretty. the kids are in heaven but the parents are frustrated. The teachers here in Israel make the pay that an average McDonald's worker does. The prestige that goes with the job is also on par with fast food workers. It isn't right and we do stand by them. So, my sister, Debbie, whose children are fabulously successful at the schooling stuff (PHd's and the sort) says to me: "Adele, you must get them on a schedule. They should first make the schedule themselves and then you can adjust it." OK. I will try whatever she recommends. She obviously did the right things, right? OK, well. Josh's schedule that he composed goes like this...
9:00-11:00 Breakfast and Free Time.
11:00-12:00 Study (like what I am thinking?)
12:00-1:00 - guess.... LUNCH! of course.
1:00-2:30 yep.....'Free Time'
2:30-4:00 (get this) 'Clean house'. I later learned that it was going to be 'within those hours' that housecleaning could take place.
4:00-6:30 Study
6:00-7:00 Dinner (note the time discrepancy)
7:00-10:30 Free time.
So, that's my Joshie. Life is way good for him here. He has found a friend, Mr. Alon we call him. They are two peas in a pod and we feel so blessed that he was sent to Josh as a friend. His judgment is fair at times being 12 and all (burned a kitchen pan and utensil to smithereens) but we are happy for Josh.
Zach is almost if not 6'2". Ugh at 15. I yell at him about loads of things but I am not sure if he hears me up there! the 15 year old brain is very very interesting. He is a wonderful kid and we are still in the puppy training mode. He doesn't pee in the house but close. Today I was up at 5:30 and the door opened and he was rolling in. I know you all are thinking What??? But that is the life here. NO drugs, some drinking but just teens hanging out on the walking mall (3 blocks long) and talking and hopefully not too much trouble. Israelis are super lax about they kids being up and out late at night. I know I have already gone over that with y'all.
Oh my goodness. I did not tell you that I am coming to the states....This coming week!!! I will be there from Oct 26-Nov 4. I am going to be having a little party Saturday evening Nov 3 early at my sisters house in table mesa, 3260 endicott. Her number is 303-499-5788. Come by and give me a hug! I will love to see you all. I hope to have a cell phone there but don't have anything lined up right now.
It is 82 degrees out now and I am going on a driving day with my mom and Drew to the north of Israel to the Lebanese and Syrian border, sightseeing and stuff.
OK, so that's that. I can fill out all in more with details in 6 days!!!
hugs and blessings from the holy land.
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