Hi Everyone,
How are you all? Please send me a note and update me on your lives!
Well, here is my update. LIFE IS AMAZING!!!
Might as well write when we are on the upswing. Right? Well, loads to share and tell. We are doing really well. We are growing and connecting and as a matter of fact looking to buy a house. (more on that later). Kids are doing really well. Zach is the most incredible. In two months he will be taking bacclaurate exams for grade 10 in Grammer, Math, Computer Science and History. They are exams that test the whole years work and apply towards his university acceptance stuff. He has been working really hard at getting his language going. I am rreally proud of him. Josh also has kicked into gear and caring more about grades and school in general. This year for him has been school 7:30-3:30 and then tutoring after school 2-3 x week. Not fun but I am so proud of him. His bar mitzvah is this summer June 19 at the Western Wall in the Old City. His true wish for a bar mitzvah party including belly dancing girls and being carried in on a magic carpet gizmo might not happen. He loves to skate board and roller hockey. Zach is busy at the gym pumping and primping. He looks all cut and 16. I wish I had his discipline. Josh, well, as his nickname is Baccus he is certiainly still enjoying the riches of life (lox and smelly cheese go down the hatch easily). Both are healthy and we are blessed.
Drew, is pretty much conversationally fluent by now. It is amazing. He is walking around speaking hebrew everywhere. As some of you may or may not know we are going through an Orthodox conversion. Lots to tell threre. After 6 months of me kicking and screaming and making everyone in around me generally miserable, I am finally getting on the band wagon and 'doin it to'. It is quite a change but almost all for the good. I can;'t think of any for the bad but there is always that residual rebellious nature of mine that doesn't seem to go away. It is a very serious committment and change of lifestyle. It takes a year at least to do the whole she-bang so that is still a work in progress. He is working at the factory still, growing, learning and studying Torah with his download Podcasts in his new Ipod during the day at work. Not bad at all. His plan is to get back into painting on a serious basis and move in that direction. I am so excited to see fun new paintings.
Ok, The big news is that we hopefully found a house. House shopping in Israel is a little like being in a mental institute full of wacko's! I tried to sit here and think of metaphors like...fishing, or whatever but nope, it is psychotic! Here are some of the ground rules. First of all there are no ground rules. There are some givens. Like, the realtors represent both the buyer and the seller. If you want to call it representation. I told my realtor to make an offer at such and such amount of monopoly money and she said 'No'. That the seller would only take full price and that I had better offer full price. Ok. onward. The first house we made an offer on, the seller said that he was no longer interested in selling but just wanted to see what he could get for the house. Now I am sure there are crazy real estate stories everywhere on this earth and we are certainly novices in the real estate world but it is really funny unless at the moment you are crying. Ok, rule 2: Different houses have different real estate agents that go with them. So the only way to see the house is if you hire that particular agent. So, we have worked with about 7-10 or so different agents all bull shitting us along the path. Rule 3: As soon as you make an offer you need to get a lawyer. Everyone needs a lawyer for real estate stuff. Anyhow, not to bore you too much but it is a little snippit of life here. Rule 4: never believe anything you hear.
Work is amazing for me. I am still working in the Navy. I am implementing new programs that I learned this past winter in the states. I am presenting a lecture at the International Sports Medicine Conference in June. Building my private practice in a very half ass kind of way. Working in Jerusalem 1 x week and booked there so my local town is more for being a mom and keeping house, body and mind and wishing I was doing some ceramics. I guess in retirement in the big sky there will be time for ceramics. I just took a course in dry needling techniuqe so I am getting into that more. Just a frustrated Acupuncturist at heart. The soldiers love anything painful so I am right in the right spot. They suffer quietly through my deep strong massage stuff. It is so funny but for my whole career as a PT people have often said to me: "OK sargent". It used to make me mad at times but now it is so funny. I am where I am finally supposed to be.
My angle on Israel and war stuff. Well, pray for peace, don't read the newspapers or listen to news. Don't believe anything you hear. All politicians lie for money. Think that maybe one day a messiah will come and we don't have to worry no more, every girl is a size 8. ha ha!
I pray for all of you that you will be healthy and feel goodness, joy and peace of mind. That you can take the time and laugh and hang with your friends. Eat yummy yummy food and work out!
Blessing and love,
How are you all? Please send me a note and update me on your lives!
Well, here is my update. LIFE IS AMAZING!!!
Might as well write when we are on the upswing. Right? Well, loads to share and tell. We are doing really well. We are growing and connecting and as a matter of fact looking to buy a house. (more on that later). Kids are doing really well. Zach is the most incredible. In two months he will be taking bacclaurate exams for grade 10 in Grammer, Math, Computer Science and History. They are exams that test the whole years work and apply towards his university acceptance stuff. He has been working really hard at getting his language going. I am rreally proud of him. Josh also has kicked into gear and caring more about grades and school in general. This year for him has been school 7:30-3:30 and then tutoring after school 2-3 x week. Not fun but I am so proud of him. His bar mitzvah is this summer June 19 at the Western Wall in the Old City. His true wish for a bar mitzvah party including belly dancing girls and being carried in on a magic carpet gizmo might not happen. He loves to skate board and roller hockey. Zach is busy at the gym pumping and primping. He looks all cut and 16. I wish I had his discipline. Josh, well, as his nickname is Baccus he is certiainly still enjoying the riches of life (lox and smelly cheese go down the hatch easily). Both are healthy and we are blessed.
Drew, is pretty much conversationally fluent by now. It is amazing. He is walking around speaking hebrew everywhere. As some of you may or may not know we are going through an Orthodox conversion. Lots to tell threre. After 6 months of me kicking and screaming and making everyone in around me generally miserable, I am finally getting on the band wagon and 'doin it to'. It is quite a change but almost all for the good. I can;'t think of any for the bad but there is always that residual rebellious nature of mine that doesn't seem to go away. It is a very serious committment and change of lifestyle. It takes a year at least to do the whole she-bang so that is still a work in progress. He is working at the factory still, growing, learning and studying Torah with his download Podcasts in his new Ipod during the day at work. Not bad at all. His plan is to get back into painting on a serious basis and move in that direction. I am so excited to see fun new paintings.
Ok, The big news is that we hopefully found a house. House shopping in Israel is a little like being in a mental institute full of wacko's! I tried to sit here and think of metaphors like...fishing, or whatever but nope, it is psychotic! Here are some of the ground rules. First of all there are no ground rules. There are some givens. Like, the realtors represent both the buyer and the seller. If you want to call it representation. I told my realtor to make an offer at such and such amount of monopoly money and she said 'No'. That the seller would only take full price and that I had better offer full price. Ok. onward. The first house we made an offer on, the seller said that he was no longer interested in selling but just wanted to see what he could get for the house. Now I am sure there are crazy real estate stories everywhere on this earth and we are certainly novices in the real estate world but it is really funny unless at the moment you are crying. Ok, rule 2: Different houses have different real estate agents that go with them. So the only way to see the house is if you hire that particular agent. So, we have worked with about 7-10 or so different agents all bull shitting us along the path. Rule 3: As soon as you make an offer you need to get a lawyer. Everyone needs a lawyer for real estate stuff. Anyhow, not to bore you too much but it is a little snippit of life here. Rule 4: never believe anything you hear.
Work is amazing for me. I am still working in the Navy. I am implementing new programs that I learned this past winter in the states. I am presenting a lecture at the International Sports Medicine Conference in June. Building my private practice in a very half ass kind of way. Working in Jerusalem 1 x week and booked there so my local town is more for being a mom and keeping house, body and mind and wishing I was doing some ceramics. I guess in retirement in the big sky there will be time for ceramics. I just took a course in dry needling techniuqe so I am getting into that more. Just a frustrated Acupuncturist at heart. The soldiers love anything painful so I am right in the right spot. They suffer quietly through my deep strong massage stuff. It is so funny but for my whole career as a PT people have often said to me: "OK sargent". It used to make me mad at times but now it is so funny. I am where I am finally supposed to be.
My angle on Israel and war stuff. Well, pray for peace, don't read the newspapers or listen to news. Don't believe anything you hear. All politicians lie for money. Think that maybe one day a messiah will come and we don't have to worry no more, every girl is a size 8. ha ha!
I pray for all of you that you will be healthy and feel goodness, joy and peace of mind. That you can take the time and laugh and hang with your friends. Eat yummy yummy food and work out!
Blessing and love,